Check out this pretty brilliant article, entitled “Young Morality and Old Morality. I just subscribed to Hamilton Nolan’s blog, where his article caught my attention.
I would add this…
Because the young people have more energy than wisdom, they’ve regrettably been sucked in to the same old extremely tired Middle East blame game which in 75 years has never made anybody safe or secure, and which has always led to nothing other than more suffering, killing and death.
In fairness to young people, they have made this mistake by following the example of their supposedly wiser elders, who have failed them in this regard.
It’s a loser’s game to focus on particular trouble spots in the world, because even if we had 100% success in one situation, the killing will just continue in some other trouble spot, and the innocent in that location are just as important.
What we should try to do is raise our vision above the day to day horror show details presented by our news feeds, to the larger picture. And that is this…
The overwhelming vast majority of violence inflicted upon the innocent every day all over the world for thousands of years arises from a single easily identified source…
Violent men.
Until the source of these horrors is faced and addressed, the suffering, killing and death will endlessly continue, with an ever greater body count.
World peace is possible, and young people will be a vital asset in taking us there, if we can direct their outrage at the correct target.